Modifications & Customs
This category is used for entries related to modification of custom works.
Custom: Sistar | Bora
When you think girl K-pop group the first is usually Girls' Generation, but there are some other talented groups as well and Sistar is one of them. The four girls are quite talented in their own right and have a more mature, sexy and seductive feel compared to many other groups and they back that up with some of the strongest vocals around. To round out the package their best dancer and rapper is Bora. Continue Reading
Custom: The Dark Knight Trilogy | Lucius Fox
Behind every great here is a great... tech provider. At least in the case of Batman. Bruce Wayne was very selective in his allies and Lucius Fox was essentially his left-hand man with Alfred being the right. Fox provided Batman with all the tech and weaponry in his vigilante crusade to rid Gotham of crime and corruption. Although he was essential in the comics, the character was never exposed on the big screen until Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy. Continue Reading
Mod: Hasbro | Star Wars Black 3.75″ | Darth Vader (EP III)
Hasbro recently released the Star Wars Black Series Darth Vader from Episode 3. It's a really nice figure and probably the best Darth Vader figure yet, but there is still room for improvement. Until that time comes where we get the perfect figure, I've made some minor adjustments to the figure to meet my needs and wants. Thankfully, it didn't require too much work and didn't change how the figure operates so it's a win-win for me. Continue Reading
Custom: Girls’ Generation | Yuri [유리]
Every girl group has a sexy icon member and for Girl's Generation, that would be Yuri. She's a great dancer, quite athletic and strong, but she's also quite funny and has a great personality for variety TV as she doesn't shy away from saying things. She has confidence and charm that makes her fun to watch. I just wish I could find a good head sculpt that matches her, but sadly the one I'm using will have to do for now. Continue Reading
Custom: Hawaii Five-O | Kono Kalakaua
The new season of Hawaii Five-O is fast approaching so it seemed like a good idea to reveal my custom figure of Kono Kalakaua. I'm a big fan of Grace Park. I really liked her in Battlestar Galactica and some of the other independent movies she's been in. When she was casted for Hawaii Five-O I was excited to be able to see her on TV again and more so since Five-O is in my backyard of Hawaii. Continue Reading